32 SU s izuchavane na chuzhdi ezici "Sv.Kliment Ohridski"

32 Primary and Secondary Language School “St. Kliment Ohridski” is situated in the downtown of the capital city of Bulgaria – Sofia. It was founded in 1896 and has managed to become one of the biggest and most renowned schools in the capital delivering education services to more than 2000 students from the 1st to the 12th grade. The school prides itself with highly motivated and qualified staff, proving its merit not only on the field of daily education work but also in participation in several European and national education projects, both as a coordinator and as a partner.

The school is an English language school and the English language is studied from the first to the 12th grade. A second language is introduced in the second grade. The school offers its students bilingual education in History, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Art and Philosophy. These subjects are taught in English in the Secondary section of the school.

The school organises the free time of students by offering a variety of interesting extracurricular activities. The available facilities of the school are constantly improved and renovated: access to the Internet everywhere in the school; specialised study rooms; multi-media in all classrooms and interactive white boards in nearly all of them etc. All school activities are focused around being active, creative and positive, so children have the opportunity to participate in unusual classes prepared on the one hand by school teachers and on the other - go to classes for cultural and educational institutions and benefit from their offer.